Listening Activity 2

Firstly, get a blank piece of paper, pencils, colour pencils or crayons and eraser. After that, listen to the
following recording (Voki) and do as instructed.

Below is an example of the end product.


This activity can be done at students' own home, or during class in school, providing that the environment is conducive and suitable for a listening activity, i.e. no unnecessary noise, disturbance from other classes etc. Besides practicing students' listening skills, this activity also tests students' command in preposition, vocabulary (shapes) and also creativity. 

If this activity is done is a classroom, it can be used as an pre-activity whereby students are still not required to carry out 'heavy' activity. This is a light exercise in which students can have fun while exercising their mind. It can also be done at the end of a lesson, when the teacher has finished what he or she has planned and has no activity left to do. By doing so, no time will be wasted. 

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